Featured Conlangs
Want your conlang featured? See §Feature submissions for instructions.
Site header
These conlangs are featured on the site header, in the scrolling marquee, with the word for "hello" and the conlang's name.
Members' conlangs
Club and member conlangs appear in green in the header.
Other conlangs
Other conlangs appear in white in the header.
Feature submissions
Want your conlang featured? Submit the following information to #website-submissions on Discord or email fredchan@conlang.club with the following info:
Non-members may submit up to 3 of their own conlangs. Members may submit any number of conlangs, even if they're didn't make them.
A typical, polite greeting in your conlang (e.g. "hello")
- If your conlang has no such greetings, send the most polite word or phrase that could be construed as a greeting
- Name of the conlang's creator (required if it is not your own)
- Name of your conlang in Latin characters
- (Optional) URL of your conlang. Members may provide PDFs we can upload to the website instead