Pidgin Island Quest is the Seattle Conlang Club's tabletop roleplaying game/pidgin creation game.
Pidgin Island Quest has ended! We are currently working on the next season of the SCC Pidgin games. Please join the #pidgin-meta channel on Discord to join the discussion!
What’s this?
Pidgin Island Quest is a text-based (mostly), survival role-playing game played on our Discord where players have to form a pidgin to communicate with the other players. Each week, the DM rotates between the players, who controls the island and makes up scenarios for the players to react to.
A band of feral transient mountainfolk (you) have been kidnapped in their sleep on a big tropical island with wildlife for some unknown purpose. Create and elevate your new shared culture and survive by creating a pidgin language together.
The game is mostly asynchronous in the text channel, but we have a synchronous session every week where we get together in the voice channel and play the pidgin game. The synchronous session is 3 PM on Saturday (on weeks with a general Conlang Club meeting) or 3 PM Sunday (on weeks without a general meeting).
How to say things
Things your character says: You must say them in Pidgin
Things your character does: Can be in English, in parentheses. Must be a short physical simple description. Avoid direct or indirect objects.
Good: (pointing)
Iffy: (pointing up)
Bad: (pointing up at a bird)
You can also point out something nearby by posting a picture of it. You can only point to things that are around you. In other words, no pointing at a computer that doesn’t exist.
Slate and chalk are abundant on this island, and everyone carries some around to draw pictures. You can post drawings of anything a transient mountainfolk would know of.
Rotating Dungeon Master (DM)
What the DM does
The DM is the God of Pidgin Island, controlling the world and making up scenarios for the islanders to react to.
If a player needs to take a complicated action (e.g. inventing something) or something that could fail (e.g. attacking a boar), they tell the DM
The DM uses English to describe the players’ surroundings, and the success or failure of players’ actions
DMs’ scenarios should try to encourage communication/cooperation.
When you’re the DM
All players in the Pidgin Game are added to the DM queue when they join
Every week, the DM changes to the next person in the queue
The DM’s player character will be temporarily whisked away from the island by an unknown entity
How to join
Randomly roll an language from the random language roulette. You will learn a tiny bit of vocab from that language.
Check the #pidgin-rules-info channel for disallowed languages and languages that have already been chosen.
If you don’t want it as your initial language, you get 1 veto.
If you speak that language already, or someone is already assigned that language, that language is autmatically vetoed for free.
Figure out a grammatical feature from your initial language that you like and keep it a secret. Try to make the pidgin have that feature.
Choose 15 words related to one of the following semantic domains to learn in your initial language:
If you need any more words after this, you must either learn a word from someone else or make one up.
If you make up a word, try to use the phonetic and phonotactics inventory of your initial language.
Ping Frederick with your chosen language, and he’ll give you the Pidgin Islander role and add you to the end of the DM queue